Thursday, January 10, 2013

Musings about roller coasters of life

Over the hump day of the first week of school for M.  Still the roller coaster continues with K now bailed out of jail and MM deciding to pursue a divorce.  What will this mean for M?  God please protect him.  Please protect him from being taken from us...because being here is good for him and we would miss him so much.  Already he has become a part of our lives.  Protect him.

As I talked with M about the events of the day he had two observations:  K doesn't deserve the family he has (thank you, Lord for the depth of this child's perception of life)  and my checking homework was calmer than he had experienced.  But then again, I missed 8 on yesterday's homework and a quick check showed I missed 5 on homework due today.  Oh...and yes, I have a math teacher daughter....duh!

K is embarrassed, covering by being a jerk in his actions and attitudes.  How far does he have to go to fall on his face and seek help?  That thought scares me and saddens me.  Lord, bring  him down to where he will seek You.

I see God working in so many corners of my life and in our church.  It boggles the mind and honestly kinda makes me tired.  But then I remember...I don't have to keep up with it all.  I have responsibility for my little corner and that is where my focus should be.  Why is that so hard?

1 comment:

Don said...

Amen to all of what you said.